Pediagermina Ampoules

Composition: One 5ml Probiotic Ampoules contains spores of Bacillus clausii – 2 billion.

Formulation: Spores of Oral Suspension

Therapy / Class: Anti-Diarrheal / Probiotic

Mechanism of Action

> Adhere to the intestinal wall, Promotes Epithelial Growth, survive while transit through the GI tract & resist antibiotics.

> Inhibit pathogens & Prevent pathogen attachment.

> Neutralize microbial toxins.

> Stimulate immunoglobulin A.

> Promote intestinal mucosa health.

> Treat & Prevent Gut Barrier Impairment



> Treatment of Infective Diarrhoea

> Dysbiosis (Treatment of Antibiotic Associated Diarrhoea)

> Prevents infections in preterm neonates.

> Treatment of nasal allergies & upper respiratory infections in children

Dosage & Administration:

Infective Diarrhoea & Dysbiosis: in Children and infants: 10^9 spores/day. Use is recommended for short periods of time.

Nasal allergies (children): 3 Packs/day ( 10^9 spores/vial) administered orally for 3 weeks to allergic children

Preterm neonates (less than 34 weeks  gestational age): 2mL every 8 hours mixed with enteral feeds (delivering 10^9 spores per day) until postnatal age of 6 weeks


> 1 x5ml oral suspension packed in ampoules


>  Canani RB, Cirillo P, Terrin G, et al. Probiotics for treatment of acute diarrhoea in children: randomised clinical trial of five different preparations. BMJ. 2007;335(7615):340.

> Cenci G, Caldini G, Trotta F, Bosi P. In vitro inhibitory activity of probiotic spore-forming bacilli against genotoxins. Lett ApplMicrobiol. 2008;46(3):331-337. doi:10.1111/j.1472-765X.2007.02314.x18194161

> Ciprandi G, Vizzaccaro A, Cirillo I, Tosca MA. Bacillus clausii effects in children with allergic rhinitis. Allergy. 2005;60(5):702-703. doi:10.1111/j.1398-9995.2005.00722.x15813820

> Di Caro S, Tao H, Grillo A, et al. Bacillus clausii effect on gene expression pattern in small bowel mucosa using DNA microarray analysis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2005;17(9):951-960. doi:10.1097/00042737-200509000-0001116093873

> Elmer GW. Probiotics: “living drugs.” Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2001;58(12):1101-1109. doi:10.1093/ajhp/58.12.110111449853


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